Connecting GPU to Cluster

Windows and Ubuntu Setup Guide

CPU Setup

  1. Download Docker:

  • Visit Docker's official website and download Docker for your OS.

  1. Open Command Prompt: - Windows: Open Command Prompt. - Ubuntu: Open Terminal.

  2. Execute Docker Pull Command: docker pull zkagi/connect2cluster:latest

  3. Run Docker Container: docker run -dit -e "walletAddress=YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS" --privileged --network host zkagi/connect2cluster

  4. Connect:

  • Wait for 20 seconds.

  • Click on the connect button in the ZkAGI interface.

GPU Setup

  1. Download Docker: - Visit Docker's official website and download Docker for your OS.

  2. Check GPU and Drivers: - Open Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Ubuntu).

  3. Run the following command to check your GPU name and drivers: nvidia-smi

  4. Driver Version Check: - If your driver version is > 552, downgrade it using the following link.

  5. Open Command Prompt: - Windows: Open Command Prompt. - Ubuntu: Open Terminal.

  6. Execute Docker Pull Command: docker pull zkagi/connect2cluster:gpu-latest

  7. Run Docker Container: docker run -dit -e "walletAddress=YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS" --privileged --network host --gpus all zkagi/connect2cluster

  8. Connect:

  • Wait for 20 seconds.

  • Click on the connect button in the ZkAGI interface.

Disconnecting CPU/GPU Connection

To disconnect the running container, execute the following command in Command Prompt or Terminal:


FOR /F "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker ps -q --filter "ancestor=zkagi/connect2cluster"') DO docker stop %i


docker ps -q --filter "ancestor=zkagi/connect2cluster" | xargs docker stop

Restarting CPU/GPU Connection

To restart the stopped container, execute the following command in Command Prompt or Terminal:


FOR /F "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker ps -a -q --filter "ancestor=zkagi/connect2cluster"') DO docker restart %i


docker ps -a -q --filter "ancestor=zkagi/connect2cluster" | xargs -I {} docker restart {}

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